Dear Substitute revolves around a young girl whose regular teacher, Mrs. Giordano, is unable to come to school due to illness. This is a great story to use in the classroom for a read-aloud and you will love all of the Dear Substitute activities I included in this unit.
Dear Substitute Read Aloud
The arrival of a substitute teacher, Miss Pelly, disrupts the familiar routine of the classroom, leading the student to express her frustrations through a series of notes.
When Miss Pelly enters the classroom, wearing odd-colored glasses, lots can happen. Your students will love reading about the challenges and adjustments that come with unexpected changes in an educational setting. This is a great story for discussing the literary device of personification with students, and asking them to find examples of personification in other books they may have read.
Substitute Teacher Read Aloud Books
Dear Substitute explores the theme of adaptability and the need to embrace change, even when it disrupts your comfort zones. I have plenty of activities to keep your students engaged.
The book also highlights the importance of empathy and understanding towards substitute teachers with different teaching styles and approaches. Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week occurs every year during the first week of May. This is a great book to read during May!
Dear Substitute encourages readers to be open-minded and flexible in new situations. I love how this book is written – Epistolary Writing. Epistolary writing is a story written and structured like letters. This is the perfect way to teach letter writing in second and third grade! Click here for the Press Release Guide for more information.
Overall, the book serves as a valuable resource for teachers and students alike, promoting discussions about resilience, empathy, and the power of adaptability. Are you looking for a fun read-aloud, this one is perfect!
Do you need resources for the first days of school? I have multiple units to help acclimate your sweet babies to your routine!
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