What are you planning for 2-22-22?
Two’s Day in Second Grade
What a fun day to be in the classroom! I have pulled several activities that are going to be easy to implement on 2-22-22 and put them in a FREE unit just for you!
Tuesday, February 22, 2022, presents a fun opportunity to celebrate the number two with themed activities! If your students will be out of school on the 22nd, you can celebrate Twos-Day (or 2’s Day, Twosday, or Two’s day) on February 2nd, which, while not a Tuesday, still offers a nice string of 2’s!

I hope you enjoy the 2-22-22 Freebie! Tuesday, 2-22-22 is TWOs Day. It’s a fun day to celebrate all the twos happening that day. You can even say TOday is TUESday, 2-22-22. I can’t wait to hear all about Two’s Day in your classroom!
- Two’s Day*Foldable* Writing Activity
- Writing Activity
- Compound Words
- Grammar Practice
- ABC Order
- Subtraction Practice
- Mixed Review Math Practice
- Addition Word Problems
- Mixed Review Math Problems
- Ticket Out the Door – 6 included

The Twos will be wild on Twos Day, February 22, 2022. And the best part about 2-22-22 is that it is happening on a Tuesday. Everything you need TWO celebrate and it is FREE!!! Free!! Free!!
This activity pack provides you with fun and engaging 2s-Day activities to do throughout the day. There are 9 different activities in the unit. Your students will have a blast!
It is not too late to grab your free Black History Month Unit! It is filled with plenty of pages to cover BHM and super cute things to hang in the hall!!!

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