
What is Hallway Behavior Management?

Let’s talk about what your class looks like Walking Down The Hall

To the typical parent or while talking to a friend at dinner, they may think you are insane for talking about the difficulty of walking children from point A to Point B. Hallway Behavior Management…

But. For. Real. Why is this so hard???

Goat Farm

My husband and I passed a goat farm not too far from our neighborhood. I love watching the goats! This particular night we could not find them until we rounded the corner… They were all lined up on the log. Still. Not moving. ?

It was as if they were having a staring contest. There were 5-6 on the left side and another 4-5 on the right side. It was kinda freaky actually! We turned the car around and drove past them several times just to observe.

They were perfectly still, all in a line… Every Teachers Dream! Right?

Hallway Behavior Management

For some reason it made me think of walking students down the hallway and how MY CLASS (insert eye roll) always looked like a freak show. Why is that?

I quickly realized I am not alone. I follow several teacher groups on Facebook and over the past week multiple teachers have asked HOW TO WALK DOWN THE HALL?

Hallway Solutions

I found a few solutions that I thought I would pass along

for successfully getting your students from A to B!

? One teacher said to stop every time you hear them talking behind you. When they get quiet, you move again. They don’t enjoy standing in the hall… especially if they’re wasting lunch or recess time.

? Another tip from a teacher: Appoint a line leader and they decide when to walk and wait for silence. Appoint a monitor, and they watch to decide if that walk earned a party point or not. This method gives everyone a chance to see what it is like to be waiting for others, and also kids LOVE being in charge of stuff! Plus you’re not the bad guy, and they learn responsibility.

Both of these sound like good ideas to try. Let me know if you try either of them!

So how is your school year going? Unfortunately, the majority of the second-grade teachers I have talked to over the past few weeks are discouraged at how L O W the entire second-grade class seems to be. Most are blaming Covid and Quarantine for many students not even knowing all of their letters, let alone reading on grade level.

Teaching can be hard, so please DO NOT isolate yourself! Take time for you to recharge, at night or on the weekend. Remember, this is a L O N G Game! Take Care of Yourself!

RELATED ARTICLES: Create Routines that Work

Are you looking for a great way to celebrate Black History Month? I have an INCREDIBLE Free Unit for 2nd and 3rd Grade!!!

Mrs. Patton

Welcome! I am Kim Patton and have been a second grade teacher since 2010. I’m a Christ-follower, wife, mother, teacher, blogger, and TpTer. I love traveling, spending time with my family, creating classroom materials, pizza, Peloton, and playing in the camper! I am glad you're here!

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I am Kim Patton and have been a second-grade teacher since 2010. I’m a Christ-follower, wife, mother, teacher, blogger, and TpTer. I love traveling, spending time with my family, creating curriculum, pizza, Peloton, and playing in the camper! I am glad you're here! Read More

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